With 3 Vendors at the event, you’ve got plenty of opportunities to buy and sell cards. You’ll also be able to pick up sleeves, deckboxes, sealed product and more. 

These stores are known for accommodating people with cards for events, but remember there is a lot going on this weekend so it’s best to pick up your cards early or confirm that they’re able to bring to the event rather than relying on cards for your deck to be at the show.





Josh & Pat’s MTG Bazaar is Australia’s foremost Facebook auction site servicing your Magic: The Gathering needs. Their new website is coming soon with all your cardboard needs.https://www.facebook.com/groups/jpmtgbazaar/







Plenty of Games is Melbourne’s premier gaming store, located right in the heart of the CBD. If community is what you’re after you can’t go past PoG, plus all their cards are on their website. 




Specialising in Magic: The Gathering Singles, MTG MATE operates one of The Largest Buylists in the country. With a user friendly website and an amazing buylist, they make it easy to turn your extra cards into the cards you need.
