28 Apr
09:00 AM
28 Apr, 09:00 PM
Main Event: The Modern Mana Clash!
A constructed format featuring the best of the best Magic cards of the Modern era. Over $5000 in prizes to compete for, including $2000 cash for first place!
For more information on Modern visit magic.wizards.com/en/formats/modern
Entry Fee: $50
Cap: 128
Date: Sunday 28th April
Registration Starts: 9:00am
Event Starts: 9:45am
Prize Support:
- 1st: $2000 Cash
- 2nd: $1000 Cash
- 3-4th: $500 Cash
- 5-8th: $250 Cash (5-8)
- 9-16th: $100 in Prize Wall Tickets (9-16)
- 17-32nd: $50 in Prize Wall Tickets (17-32)
Format: Modern
REL: Competitive
Decklist Requirements: Yes
Submit your decklists electronically to decklists@themanaclash.com.au before Saturday 27th 11:59pm
More detailed information available at: https://themanaclash.com.au/deck-submission-guidelines/
Top 8 Play-offs: Yes